Ricardo Dahis

Assistant Professor, Monash University




Advising and Teaching


Working Papers

Work in Progress

Other Writing




I am an assistant professor (senior lecturer) at the Department of Economics at Monash University. My research interests lie at the intersection of Politics, Environment, and Development Economics. It has been published in journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics and the Journal of Public Economics.

I have co-founded Data Basis (Base dos Dados), a nonprofit start-up with the mission to make access to high-quality data universal in Brazil and internationally. We build tools such as a search engine and a public datalake to facilitate data work for academics, journalists, policy makers, companies, and developers.

Affiliations: Data Basis, SoDa Labs, CDES

CV: Vitae, Google Scholar, Github

Social Networks: Twitter, LinkedIn


Email: ricardo.dahis@monash.edu

NOTE: For Data Basis-related issues, please contact the project directly, read the documentation and FAQ, or ask the community on Discord! I may not reply to email about it (why?).

Advising and Teaching

For current and prospective students, RAs, and postdocs: please read this.

Advising Hours (Monash only): Shedule here.

Office Hours (Monash only): Shedule here.

Open Door (for those in Brazil or members of under-represented groups): Shedule here.

Teaching Materials


Cutting Special Interests by the Roots: Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon

(with Arthur Bragança )

Journal of Public Economics, Volume 215, 104753

September 2022

Abstract (click to expand)

Published version

Selecting Top Bureaucrats: Admission Exams and Performance in Brazil

(with Laura Schiavon, Thiago Scot )

Accepted - Review of Economics and Statistics

January 2023

Abstract (click to expand)

Published version

Folha de São Paulo

Working Papers

Echoes of Terrorism: Examining the Effects of Siren Alerts Timing on Voter Preferences in Israel

(with Luiz Bines, Juliano Assunção )

October 2024

Abstract (click to expand)

Decentralizing Development: Evidence from Government Splits

(with Christiane Szerman )

R&R AEJ Applied Economics

January 2024

Featured at: BBC Brasil

Abstract (click to expand)

Young Politicians and Long-Term Policy

(with Iván de las Heras, Santiago Saavedra )

August 2024

Abstract (click to expand)


Speed of Payment in Procurement Contracts: The Role of Political Connections

(with Bernardo Ricca, Thiago Scot )

April 2024

Abstract (click to expand)


The Role of Sanctions and Spillovers in Forest Conservation

(with João Pedro Vieira, Juliano Assunção )

August 2023

Abstract (click to expand)


Changing Racial Identity in the United States, 1880-1940

(with Emily Nix, Nancy Qian )

June 2020

Featured at: The Weeds (40:45), Kellogg Insight

Abstract (click to expand)

The Impact of 3G Mobile Internet on Educational Outcomes in Brazil

(with Pedro Bessone, Lisa Ho )

April 2021

Abstract (click to expand)

Work in Progress

The Labor Union-Politics Pipeline

(with Lorenzo Lagos )


Housing Microfinance and Climate Resilience in the Philippines

(with Teevrat Garg, Russell Toth )

Abstract (click to expand)

AEA RCT Registry 9124

Promotions, Performance, and Diversity in the Brazilian Judiciary

(with Laura Schiavon, Thiago Scot, Leopoldo Gutierre )

Improving labor market matching through soft skills development in technical education

(with Emily Beam, Laia Navarro-Sola, Ursula Mello )

Export-Induced Deforestation and Political Change: The Unintended Consequences of the Rise of China

(with Lei Li )

Killing the Forest: Assassinations and Deforestation in Brazil

(with Mariana Carvalho )

Other Writing

Calculating the Economic Value of Non-marginal Mortality Risk Reductions

(with Diego Cardoso )

Economic Letters, Volume 237, April 2024, 111673

March 2024

Abstract (click to expand)

Published version

Free public transit and voter turnout

(with Rafael H. M. Pereira, Renato S. Vieira, Fernando Bizzarro, Rogério J. Barbosa, Daniel Travassos Ferreira )

Electoral Studies, Volume 86, December 2023, 102690

September 2023

Abstract (click to expand)

Published version

MiDES: New Data and Facts from Public Procurement and Budget Execution in Brazil

(with Thiago Scot, Bernardo Ricca, Lucas Nascimento, Nathalia Sales )

November 2023

Abstract (click to expand)

Project's website

World Bank Policy Research working paper WPS 10598

Dataset at Data Basis (Base dos Dados)

Data Basis (Base dos Dados) - Universalizing Access to High-Quality Data

(with João Carabetta Fernanda Scovino Frederico Israel Diego Oliveira )

July 2022

Abstract (click to expand)

Advice for Academic Research

March 2021

Ideology: A Nine-Dimensional Label

September 2020

Abstract (click to expand)

The Belief Cloud: Framework and Applications

May 2020

Abstract (click to expand)

On Randomness and Probability

May 2019

Abstract (click to expand)

Is Economics a Science? Not Yet

February 2018

Abstract (click to expand)


Cleaning the 'Relação Anual de Informações Sociais' (RAIS) dataset on Stata, 1985-2018

Github Repository

Template for Empirical Papers

This folder provides an all-encompassing working structure for empirical papers. It organizes every step of the process: merging and cleaning (several) data sets, performing analyses (tables, figures, regressions), writing the article itself and also presentations.

Github Repository


Ice Cream Map: Mapping and reviewing ice cream spots worldwide, one at a time.